Math Help is Just a Few Clicks Away

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Choose your tutor from our collection of real math teachers. Decide how much you pay and who you want to work with. The choice is yours.

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Our Talented Team of Math Teachers

Math (Tutoring) Made Easy


Select Your Tutor

Choose your tutor from our collection of real math teachers. Decide how much you pay and who you want to work with. The choice is yours.

Schedule Your Session

Found the perfect tutor? The next step is to choose a day and time that is best for you. Don’t see a time that works for you? Contact us and we’ll work around your schedule!

Confirm & Learn

Reserved your session? Use our hassle-free payment process to complete your transaction, and that’s it! When it’s time for your session, click the link in your confirmation email and you’ll be connected to your private 1-1 online math tutor.

Math Tutoring by Real Math Teachers


All of our tutors are certified math educators who understand there’s more to math tutoring than just helping students solve problems. Our math teachers use experience teaching high school, middle school, and college math courses to make online math tutoring personalized and effective.


Our Team of Talented Educators

James Board

I have 3 years teaching and tutoring mathematics in the state of Virginia at a secondary level. My licensure is in grades 6-12 for all levels of mathematics and I am happy to work with any student at any level of understanding. Everyone has the potential to be great math students and the ability to grasp both the fundamentals and intricate details that come with it!

Chad Bugg

I have over 16 years teaching experience and currently teach in the Athens and Watkinsville, Ga area. I have taught High School mathematics and middle school mathematics. I enjoy coaching our Middle School Math team in the Math Counts competitions, AMC and other local competitions. I look forward to hearing from you and supporting anything from Elementary to Trigonometry. "Love challenges, Be Intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and keep on learning". - Carol Dweck author of Growth Mindset.

Sandy Darrell

I have 19 years of experience teaching middle school and high school mathematics in Gwinnett county, the Atlanta metro area, and Bermuda. I have experience tutoring middle school math through AP Calculus. I believe that all students can be successful in mathematics given the right teacher and environment. I love to break down any fears a student may have about math and help them gain confidence.

Malinda Hinton

This will be my 5th year teaching high school math, and 5 previous years as a middle school teacher. I try to make sure students see math as a puzzle that can been solved, and not something to dread and fear, by taking it step by step. I feel comfortable tutoring middle school math, high school algebra, algebra 2, and AMDM (advanced mathematics and Decision Making). With the right person by your side, anything is possible!

Demarrio Holloway, PhD

I have over 18 years of experience teaching high school mathematics and postsecondary mathematics in Athens, Georgia and the Atlanta metro area. I am comfortable tutoring anything from elementary mathematics up to accelerated precalculus and statistics. I believe that proficiency in mathematics and allowing students an opportunity to develop an ownership of their mathematics allows students to knock down barriers in all levels of education. I look forward to working with your child and increasing their mathematical skills

Taylor Jordan

I have 3 years of teaching high school mathematics, though I am certified to teach mathematics to grades 6 - 12. I am comfortable with middle grades math up to Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry, but I am open to helping any student. As someone who struggled with math in high school, my goal is to break concepts down as far as possible then translate them into terms that every student can understand and apply.

Eric McCullough

I have over 15 years of teaching experience in public schools near Athens, Georgia and in north east Georgia. In addition to running around chasing my children, I enjoy running for exercise and, of course, tutoring mathematics. I’m comfortable tutoring all math courses from middle school math to AP Calculus and everything in between. I look forward to being able to support your student as they work to have a better understanding of their course.

Hannah Sullivan

I graduated in April 2021 with a B.S. in Mathematics and am certified to teach math in grades 6-12. This fall, I will begin my first year of teaching at a high school in Virginia. Apart from my love for teaching math and working with students, I love to do anything crafty, especially crocheting, sewing, and painting. I am comfortable tutoring any math subject from middle school math to high school or college level Precalculus/Trigonometry. I look forward to working with your child and helping them deepen their understanding of mathematics and also grow their confidence to do mathematics!

John Walker

I have 7 years of experience teaching and tutoring mathematics in the Athens, Georgia and north east Georgia areas. I have experience teaching every high school required math class, from Algebra I to Advanced Mathematical Decision Making, as well as Pre-Calculus. I genuinely enjoy learning and teaching mathematics, and believe that the logic gained from pursuing mathematics is important. Proficiency in mathematics has helped me obtain scholarships, pursue high demand careers, and stand out among peers, and these benefits can be realized by anyone. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in cybersecurity, and I can personally attest to the fact that mathematics opens doors, strengthens problem solving skills, and, most importantly, is fun.

David Williams

I hold a graduate degree in applied physics and love to share my knowledge of mathematics with everyone! I personally believe that the method of how a topic is delivered is the most important aspect of a teacher’s job. I am comfortable explaining math to any age, with topics ranging from basic arithmetic to AP Calculus and everything inbetween. I look forward to showing your student that they are more than capable of learning mathematics and helping them build confidence in the classroom.

Our Mission

We provide opportunities and support to educators in any way and strive to bring cost free education to students whose medical circumstances prevent them from participating in traditional education.

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”

— Japanese Proverb